Start an app


Browse apps on the Marketplace home page. Marketplace supports apps which can integrate with both Socotra engines - Connected Core and Enterprise Core. Look for a specific label on application card.

Browse apps

Scroll to the bottom to view "Built for you section" - private apps visible only to your organization.

Private apps
If you are a member of multiple organizations, to see private apps specific to another org - you need to switch your current organization to a different one. Some apps can have "Coming soon" status, which indicates that application is not yet ready for public release, but developers want to highlight their work in progress or allow interested parties to contact for early access.

To find more details about application and it's requirements - click on app card to view full details.

Details page


When you launch an application - AMP starts a step by step guided process to configure integration between app and Socotra instance. This process has three main sections and a final review one:

  • Connect - section, where application version, region and Socotra's integration environment/tenant are set.
  • Configure - section, where user can provide application-specific settings, such as details of external services, API keys and urls etc. Any other details that are required for application to work correctly but are not related to Socotra integration or mapping details, should be in this section.
  • Map - section, where user can provide tenant-specific mappings. Such as - specify which field in their tenant model (for a single product or across multiple products) corresponds to required or optional app inputs. For example - driver license number or vehicle VIN, model and make details.
  • Review - section, where user can see every configuration that was added in previous sections, make a final review and identify any input mistakes. From this section user can return back to any other 3 to fix found problems.


Select your Socotra Environment and Tenant. Your Marketplace admin can create and manage these for you. AMP supports applications built for both - Connected Core and Enterprise Core versions of Socotra.


  • Version - Marketplace defaults to the latest version of the app, it is recommended to launch an apps on the latest version
  • Region - Select the region you want your app to run in. Sandbox is not guarranteed to a specific region
  • Environment & Tenant - Provide your Socotra environment & tenant details. If you do not see yours there click Add Environment/Tenant .


Apps may need some details from you to better help tailor the functionality to your business needs



Map expected application inputs to the specific fields in your tenant configuration.


NOTE: Usually, you want to map all inputs to fields in a single product, this is the recommended way to do it. But depending on your tenant configuration - you may need to map fields across different products. Such configuration is also supported by AMP, but it's strongly recommended to contact app developer to ensure that application fully supports cross product mappings.

Use advance search to go through all of your Socotra products. When you map fields for Connected Core app - it searches across all your products and fields.

Advanced search in Connected Core

When you map fields for Enterprice Core app, due to schema differences, it can provide only local fields filtering.

Advanced search in Enterprise Core


Review the information you provided before launching the app


Test & Launch

Once you're happy with the information you've provided click Launch

As Marketplace sets up the infrastructure for your app you will see a new app instance card under your manage page

App instance

Click on this instance card to manage your running app

App instance details

You can stop and start your apps by clicking on their primary status button under the their name

Stop instance
Stop instance

Marketplace may display a variety of stages as Marketplace stops it's resources and removes it from your external platforms

Stop instance
Stop instance

Congratulations your app is now running on Marketplace!